Austrian Supreme Court

Austrian Supreme Court
1016 Vienna, Schmerlingplatz 10-11, Phone: +43 1 521 52-3780

By Federal Law Gazette No. I 190/2010 of 2 September 2013, the Austrian Statute on the Adaptation of Administrative Jurisdiction (Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeits-Anpassungsgesetz-Justiz) was pronounced. The Statute inter alia regulates succession to the Supreme Appellate and Disciplinary Committee, which was abolished at the end of 2013.

As of 1 January 2014, appeals in disciplinary-legal matters and in a number of professional-legal matters regarding lawyers and trainee lawyers have to be lodged with the Austrian Supreme Court.

The Austrian Supreme Court discharges its tasks in 11 panels of judges, each of them consisting of two judges and two lawyer judges (Section 59 (1) of the Austrian Disciplinary Code for Lawyers and Trainee Lawyers (Disziplinarstatut).

The schedule of responsibilities of the judges of the Austrian Supreme Court can be found on the homepage of the Austrian Supreme Court.

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